Peace of Mind
An enterprising attorney and business owner sheds new light on family law.
- CategoryPeople
- Written byLaura L. Watts
“I started my law firm because I knew there was a better way to divorce,” explains Lovette Mioni, a young, successful attorney who knew early on in her career that her goal was to give clients peace of mind—during their case proceedings and afterward as they embark on a fresh new start.
“Our purpose is to assist clients through one of the most difficult times in their lives as efficiently as possible and with integrity and ingenuity,” says Lovette, who is the owner of Mioni Family Law, a firm that handles divorce, custody, child and spousal support, and prenuptial agreements.
One of her recent cases was a perfect example of how Mioni Family Law helps keep the peace in the midst of family struggles. This scenario involved major assets and contentious custody issues—yet the opposing parties settled completely in only six months. “I saw the case going south quickly, and respect between the husband and wife was deteriorating by the second,” Lovette explains. “I immediately secured a private judge to handle the matter out of court and out of the public eye—and in a much more expedient manner than the train wreck of litigation in court.”
“I’ve worked hard over the past 10 years to do the best job possible for my clients.”
Lovette has worked in family law for a decade and left a large law firm to open her practice five years ago when she was in her late 20s. “At that time, I didn’t have children or a mortgage,” she says. “I think that freedom gave me the boldness to walk away from a stable paycheck and start my own firm. I was only responsible for myself, and I knew that I could bet on myself to be successful.”
And successful she has been. She is a Certified Family Law Specialist by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization—a certification that only 5% of California attorneys can claim. For the past three years, she was selected as one of 100 Up-And-Coming Attorneys in Southern California and one of 50 Up-And-Coming Women Attorneys in Southern California by Los Angeles magazine and Super Lawyers magazine.
“I’ve worked hard over the past 10 years to do the best job possible for my clients,” she says. “I went above and beyond to learn as much as I could. I apply that knowledge to my clients’ cases, and that gets them good results.”
Lovette finds the dynamics of family law very interesting. Opening her firm gave her the ability to handle clients’ cases in the specific way she prefers: with compassion and efficiency. A couple of nice self-employment perks she enjoys include an office location within walking distance from her home and being able to take her kids to school daily and be present in their young lives.
Lovette’s impeccable reputation speaks to her success. Clients often make referrals to family and friends—a fact that she finds humbling and encouraging. She once heard from a potential client who was referred by the dean of the law school she attended. “It was pretty crazy that of all the people who have come through my law school, the dean told this person to call me,” she says. “In that moment I thought, OK, I’ve really made a great reputation for myself.”
Whether she’s volunteering her services to those who need it most, jumping waves and making sandcastles at the beach with her children, or helping couples find a better way to divorce, Lovette Mioni is a rising star in her industry who is making a difference in this community.