2022 Kids Camps & Summer Programs Guide
A guide to the most exceptional local and overnight South Bay kids camps spanning a broad range of categories.
- CategoryPeople
AdventurePlex’s AdventureCamp | Manhattan Beach
Ages 4–12 | Arts & crafts, active games, play structures & more
adventureplex.org | 310-546-7708
Art 2 Grow On | Palos Verdes, Manhattan Beach, El Segundo
Ages 5 to 11 | Architecture, painting, designing, building, sketching
art2growon.com | 310-625-6028
ARt Camps at AR Workshop Torrance | Torrance
Ages 7 to 14 | 4-day camps (Mon. to Thurs.) with a 5-day option—1 project per day
arworkshop.com/torrance | 310-893-7553
Beach City Baseball Academy | El Segundo
Various 5 to 12 | Fundamentals, throwing, hitting, agility
beachcitybaseballacademy.com | 310-322-3955
Breathe & Learn Kids Yoga Camp | Manhattan Beach
Ages 5 to 11 | Health & wellness experience including yoga, crafting, fitness, journaling, mindfulness
breatheandlearn.com/summer-camp | 412-680-3984
Campsurf | Manhattan Beach
Ages 4 & up | The official surf school of Manhattan Beach since 1997, named Los Angeles’ premier surf school by California Business Journal
campsurf.com | 424-237-2994
Catalina Island Camps | Catalina Island
Grades 2–11 | Overnights, sailing, climbing, kayaking, day trips, art & crafts, paddleboarding
catalinaislandcamps.com | 626-296-4040
Chadwick School | Palos Verdes Peninsula
Ages 4 to 14 | Academic enrichment, swimming, art, computer lab, music, photography, dance, painting, drama, singing, writing, physical fitness
chadwickschool.org/summer | 310-377-1543
El Camino College Kid’s College | Torrance
Grades 3–12 | Serious summer fun to inspire in kids a sense of wonder and imagination for learning
elcamino.edu/kidscollege | 310-660-6460
Junior Lifeguards | Various South Bay locations
Ages 8 to 14 | Swimming, surfing, first aid, lifesaving, rescue techniques, CPR
beachsports.com/manhattan-beach-camps | 310-372-2202
LA Kings Camp | El Segundo
Ages 6–15 | Fun-filled, 5-day camp with on- and off-ice instruction from LA Kings alumni and Hockey Development department
lakings.com/kingscamp | 310-535-4478
LA Galaxy Youth Soccer Camps | Various South Bay locations
Ages 1-1/2–16 | Engaging, positive, professional youth soccer programs for players eager to have fun & learn
youth.lagalaxy.com/southbay | 310-630-2287
Manhattan Beach Teen Center Summer Camp | Manhattan Beach
Ages 11 to 14 | Beach and field trip days once a week, water games, sports, arts and crafts, ping-pong, pool and much more
citymb.info/tcsummer | 310-802-5448
Montessori Aloha Summer Camp | Manhattan Beach
Age 2 – Grade 5 | Montessori philosophy: reading, math, science, swim, tennis, soccer
montessorimb.com | 310-379-9462
Peninsula Montessori School | Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach
Ages 1½-12 | Cooking, drama, music, woodwork, science, sports, technology, art
peninsulamontessori.com | 310-544-3099
Performing Arts Workshops | Various South Bay & Los Angeles locations
Ages 5 – 15 | Musical theater, guitar, Rock the Mic, filmmaking, magic, stage F/X makeup, photography, LOL, debate camp
performingartsworkshops.com | 310-827-8827
Rolling Hills Country Day Camp | Rolling Hills Estates
Ages 4 1/2 to 12 | Academic enrichment, arts & crafts, cooking, dance, sports, imagination & creation classes
rhcds.com | 310-377-4848
South Bay Art Department Camp | Redondo Beach
Ages 5+ | Art camps & classes for children, teens & adults
sbartdepartment.com | 310-619-7204
Surfside Volleyball Club | Various South Bay locations
Ages 9-14 | Indoor volleyball camps & clinics for girls of all playing abilities
surfsidevolleyball.com | 310-702-6900
S.a.l.t. & S.e.a. Camp | Hermosa Beach
Ages 8–15 | Beach activities, art, social & emotional learning, meditation
saltnseacamp.com | 310-502-8262