Marcus Medical

  • Keith Marcus, MD
    & Sheena Samra, MD 

  • Locations

    1000 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 220,
    Manhattan Beach

    1815 Via El Prado, Suite 102, Redondo Beach

  • Phone


  • Website | Social | @marcusmedicalspa

  • Special Section

    Health & Wellness

Services Offered
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Clinical trials
  • Lasers
  • Botox, fillers & skin care

Plastic Surgery Trends

Dr. Keith Marcus: Facial plastic surgery has become more subtle and natural due to our better understanding of facial anatomy. Facial aging is attributed to sagging, volume loss and change in skin quality. A combination of treatments is superior to a single modality. For instance, I perform a lot of facelifts and often include a CO2 laser to resurface the skin and create a more youthful appearance. In addition, with the increasing popularity of semaglutide and other weight loss drugs, we now frequently have to add volume when we are lifting the face in order to create a much more natural appearance.

Empowering Patients

Dr. Sheena Samra: By listening attentively and offering tailored education, I aim to empower my patients to make informed decisions that align with their values and ultimately lead to their happiness and well-being. As a physician, it’s my responsibility to provide information and guidance, helping patients identify areas where they can make positive changes and achieve their health goals.

Practice Goals

Dr. Marcus: As patients have spent decades undertaking treatments with dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane, there has been some “filler fatigue.” We intend to grow with the regenerative market, and we offer many biostimulator products and procedures such as platelet-rich fibrin, hyperdilute Radiesse and Sculptra to improve your tissues through collagen regeneration. We also offer cell banking for current uses such as autologous exosomal skin care products. Future applications include organ regeneration and disease reversal based on your own banked stem cells. I have banked my cells and will bank my children’s cells as a biological insurance policy as well.

Mind-body Connection

Dr. Samra: In patient care, addressing the mind-body connection involves actively listening to my patients to understand their physical and emotional experiences. Drawing from my own experiences with the mind-body connection, I can further relate to my patients on a deeper level. In cases like rhinoplasty, I begin by acknowledging and empathizing with their emotional journey, recognizing the significant impact their nose has had on their physical and mental well-being. Witnessing patients confidently embrace their appearance post-rhinoplasty underscores the profound connection between their mind and body, creating incredibly rewarding moments in patient care.

Improving Self-Image

Dr. Marcus: When patients enter an aesthetic practice, there is often a sense of self-consciousness. They come to us to improve their self-image, but commonly there is a concern that others will view this as vanity. We soften this uneasy feeling by discussing our own experiences with aesthetic procedures. We know that when somebody feels their outside appearance does not accurately reflect how they feel on the inside, they are less confident and do not approach life as positively.

Alternative Therapies 

Dr. Samra: I’m grateful to work in a practice that offers and values integrative and regenerative medicine. In addition to the treatment options Marcus Medical offers, I also recommend hyperbaric oxygen therapy for my surgical patients.

Patient Feedback

Dr. Marcus: Communication is the key to exceptional results. Sure, Angelina Jolie has an incredible jawline, but that same jawline would look ridiculous on most patients. We use 3D imaging to make sure we are visually communicating in the most accurate manner. This technology allows us to achieve optimal results and is of the utmost importance for surgical procedures. For example, if you are interested in rhinoplasty, we can show you an extremely realistic 3D image of what your nose would look like after surgery. 

Photographed by Fabien & Laura Castro