Jen Caskey

  • Owner/Founder

    The Jen Caskey Group | Compass

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    805 Manhattan Ave., Suite 201,
    Manhattan Beach

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    South Bay Gives Back

Above  L to R: Starr Dill, Ali Snider, Patrice Radden, Jen Caskey, Stacia Janus, Avery Caskey, Eric Fonoimoana


Jen Caskey and her team, the Jen Caskey Group at Compass, specialize in high-end properties in and around the South Bay and beyond. Their tagline is “Luxury Boutique, Global Reach,” referencing the global, tech-savvy benefits their clients enjoy thanks to their affiliation with Compass. Jen and the six other real estate agents support various local charities—in particular the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation and the Richstone Family Center.

What does “the season of giving” mean to you?

It’s such an important time of year for us. We are very blessed to live and work here, and the season of giving is all about lending a hand—especially in our own backyard. Having grown up in Manhattan Beach and raised my three boys here, my roots run deep. I feel lucky to get involved with local charities during this time of year when people might need some extra love.

How can we all be of help this holiday season?

It’s important to remember that we don’t always know what someone is going through, so be extra aware of someone who may be struggling or in a challenging time—especially during the holidays. Sometimes just stopping to chat for an extra minute can make a difference. I encourage our team to volunteer during the holidays. Taking some time from our own celebrations to help others makes the holiday season brighter for everyone.

What do nonprofits need most from their community?

Nonprofits need people to step forward and offer their time or talents in addition to money. Writing a check is always appreciated, but getting involved personally adds another dimension that money just can’t buy. Talk to the organizers and beneficiaries, make connections … that’s what it’s all about.

What local heroes do you admire?

There are several, but two come to mind: Roger Van Remmen of the Richstone Family Center, who has been an instrumental part of that organization for decades, and Nancy Miller, who started the Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation. Both have my unwavering support and admiration. I am lucky to call them friends.

Tell us about your team.

The Jen Caskey Group offers unique, luxury services stemming from the fact that I’ve been a part of this community all my life and in the real estate business for over 30 years. I am deeply devoted to our South Bay communities. Each member of our team feels the same, and we focus on providing the best client service available today in real estate. From our unique concierge services to our specialized design consultant, in-house copywriter and wonderful staging relationships, we pride ourselves on attention to detail to create the best transactions for our clients while having fun in the process. We absolutely love what we do, and we believe it shows!

In what ways does your team make our community a better place?

We are committed to making life better for those in our community by being involved in local charities throughout the year, not just at the holidays. Getting to know so many people in the South Bay over the years has allowed us to meet the extraordinary individuals who’ve identified a need and started something meaningful. We often volunteer together as a team, working toward goals that benefit the greater good. 

In what ways does charitable giving benefit your team?

It’s wonderful to connect outside the office and relate on a different level. We’re all a part of this special place, so it brings us closer when we join forces to give back. We make sure that everyone we bring on board is invested in their community. This is one of our core values, so we make sure our team members share our desire to give back. Fortunately, I’ve been working with everyone on our team for years, so it’s not something we have to compromise on. We’re all in it together.

How do you involve your family in your focus on giving?

My boys have been raised with the awareness of their surroundings and have always been a part of our giving efforts. They enjoyed being a part of Amigos Unidos when they were younger, which was a great way for them to incorporate giving back into their busy lifestyles alongside their friends. Amigos Unidos is a wonderful way to introduce philanthropy to young men.

What’s at the top of your wish list this year?

My wish list is short and might seem clichéd, but I wish for good health, quality downtime with family and friends during the holidays, and a lot more peace in the world. Times are crazy, and the little things make a difference for me—especially right now.

What are you especially grateful for today?

I am grateful for my three sons (and new daughter-in-law!) and the fact that I get to go to work and do what I love every day, right in my own hometown.

Photographed by Fabien & Laura Castro