Alison Hobbs

- Realtor®
Salty Water Properties Inc.
- Address
1401 Highland Ave., Manhattan Beach
- Phone
- Website | Social
@alisonisrealestate - DRE #01786922
- Special Section
Alison Hobbs has worked in real estate for nearly 20 years and operates Salty Water Properties as part of RE/MAX Estate Properties in Manhattan Beach. She grew up in Southern California, attended the American University in Paris for two years and then graduated from George Washington University with a degree in radio-television broadcasting. Alison has lived in the United Kingdom, St. Barts, France, Sweden and Saudi Arabia.
Why are you passionate about real estate?
I maintain that real estate is and will always be a contact sport requiring hands-on, interpersonal engagement to be able to cross the finish line of my clients’ goals—be it the sale of their home (including all of the emotions that accompany such a transaction), the purchase of a principal residence (equally emotion-filled) or investment property acquisitions.
What are the key qualities for real estate agents to be successful?
The ability to listen, integrity, empathy and generosity of spirit. Also ethics, compassion and education are important for success in any field.
What is the key to building and growing client relationships?
The words are diminished by overuse, but communication, honesty and transparency are the building blocks to deep, effective, lasting business relationships.
In what ways do you stand out in your market?
I listen to my clients’ lifestyle and real estate goals, analyze the viability of those goals, and try to fulfill those goals or guide clients in a direction that will benefit their present and future goals. My marketing creatively paints an engaging story of my clients’ properties to present their unique qualities and target the appropriate buyer’s market. Being my own multilevel marketing company is the best way I can serve my clients.
Speak about the importance of community to your business.
Community involvement has brought me to the pinnacle of my success. Being immersed in our local neighborhoods and being a passionate force by volunteering have not only enmeshed me in the real estate psyche of the South Bay but have developed my reputation as trusted neighbor, friend and beacon of hope. I’m always ready with an open heart, a willing hand and time to share with those who need me. My years of living in the South Bay have passed in a flash; I am beyond humbled by the impact I’ve made on these communities I’ve served.
What are the latest trends in your industry that you’re loving?
I like to consider myself a trendsetter who is following her own creative path.
How often are you on the road for work?
I speak publicly around the world, and my most recent speaking engagement was in front of 500 people at Disneyland Paris on the main stage with RE/ MAX France. It is one of my proudest moments in my career. It was exhilarating, and since I am bilingual in English and French, I was able to address the audience in their native tongue for more than an hour. I got to showcase beautiful properties in Southern California and my unique brand of motivational, inspirational positivity, and I loved every minute of it.
What are the benefits of having women in leadership?
Women in leadership have an edge. We are hardwired with an intuitive capability to be circumspect and react accordingly.
What words of wisdom do you have for other women?
My mantra has been and will always be: it is never ever over until you decide it’s over.
In what ways can we support other women in business?
Mentor, share, guide, collaborate, participate, be a shoulder!
What are some key qualities for women in leadership?
Confidence, sense of self and purpose.
Describe your ideal client.
My ideal client is one who requires my brand of professionalism, understands my experience and knowledge, and allows me to be the shoulder they may not be aware they need. Lean in, lean on—that’s my DNA.
Tell us about your family.
Many people know of my late husband’s story, as it appeared in Southbay magazine. Three years after his death, I am gloriously and happily remarried and living life to the fullest! Never give up hope, always be positive, and you will shine like a beacon radiating joy!
Photographed by Shane O’Donnell